Invest Smarter with Mini PMS: Start Your Portfolio Management Journey

Invest Smarter with Mini PMS: Start Your Portfolio Management Journey

Mini PMS is a revolutionary concept that makes Portfolio Management Services (PMS) accessible to a wider range of investors in India. Traditionally, PMS required a significant initial investment, often exceeding Rs. 50 lakhs. This limited access for many potential investors. Mini PMS breaks down this barrier, allowing you to embark on your wealth creation journey…

Algo Trading in India: A Beginner’s Guide

Algo Trading in India: A Beginner’s Guide

The Indian stock market is a dynamic landscape, and keeping up with the pace can be challenging. This is where algo trading in India comes in. Imagine a tool that can analyze markets, identify opportunities, and execute trades automatically – that’s the power of algo trading. What is Algo Trading in India? Algo trading, short…

Diversify Globally: How to Invest in International Funds in India

Diversify Globally: How to Invest in International Funds in India

The Indian stock market offers a wide range of investment opportunities. But have you considered investing beyond domestic shares and exploring the exciting world of international investing? Investing in international funds allows you to diversify your portfolio and potentially boost your returns. This blog post will guide you through the process of investing in international…

Understanding Short-Term & Long-Term Capital Gains Tax in Equity & Debt

Understanding Short-Term & Long-Term Capital Gains Tax in Equity & Debt

Congratulations on your decision to invest! Whether you’ve chosen stocks, mutual funds, or bonds, you’re on your way to growing your wealth. But before you celebrate your returns, it’s important to understand how capital gains tax will impact your profits. In India, capital gains tax applies to profits earned from selling capital assets like stocks,…